Corporate Members

The following organisations have taken advantage of FIG UK's scheme for Corporate Membership, providing a presence here on our web-site, the chance to advertise in Forthwrite and to recruit experienced Forth users for jobs and projects through our special-purpose mailing list.

Members are listed in alphabethical order

Culver Consultancy Limited

Culver Consultancy Logo Culver Consultancy Ltd
46 Langley Crescent
St. Albans

Tel:  +44 (0)1727 837869
Fax: +44 (0)1727 837459
Culver Consultancy was established by Barry Culver to provide contract software and electronic engineering services to the industrial and commercial business sectors. They specialise in developing software and hardware for embedded systems, and PC applications. The range of work varies from small embedded applications to complex integration software.
Our hardware design expertise allows us to benefit our clients by developing optimal hardware/software trade-offs to suit the application. ... we have the resources to handle most projects in-house, allowing you to get on with your business while we solve your problems.

MicroProcessor Engineering Limited

MPE Logo MicroProcessor Engineering Limited
133 Hill Lane
SO15 5AF

Tel: +44 (0)2380 631441
Fax: +44 (0)2380 339691
MPE Ltd. have a long history providing Forth tools and services to the industry. They have contributed many innovations to the Forth community, including their VFX optimiser technology which approaches assembler in performance.
MicroProcessor Engineering specialises in real time and embedded systems. MPE provides tools for the complete development cycle including hardware, software and firmware. These products operate on a large range of embedded targets.

Triangle Digital Services Limited

TDS Logo Triangle Digital Services Ltd
64A Market Place

Tel: +44 1845 527437
Fax: +44 870 705 9860
With 20 years of experience producing small Forth embedded computers, Triangle are confident that equipment can be built quickly so that experts and non-programmers can achieve fast results.
The 16-bit TDS2020F (with direct compilation to Flash-EEPROM and interactive debugging) and 8-bit TDS9092 are half way between assembly from electronic components and purchase of finished equipment. They are ideal for applications using datalogging, GPS, CANbus, multi-tasking, control systems and anything with LCD and keyboard.